As a child I dreaded my mother's home remedies. Everytime I approached her with a stomach ache she would take out her tea pot and fill it up with water and insert a dried herb that she had tuck away to the very end of her spice cabinet. I could still taste that wretch bitter tea in my mouth! But surprisingly enough the stomach pain would go away. Our mother would hardly take us to the doctor instead she would cook up a witches brew and make us take it. Okay, I'm exaggerating about the witches brew. However, she would take out her herbs and make her own medicine. Plants are very important and due to home remedies we had a healthy life. In fact I still use some of my mother's remdies. In a saucepan I place a small garlic clove with one tablespoon of olive oil and warm it up on the stove. Once it's cooled I grab a cotton ball and let soak, then place three to four drops inside the earache and cover it with a clean cotton ball. When my daughter gets a minor earache I use this home remedy and it works everytime. Oh, and aloe vera works wonders for minor burns! More and more people are using plants for sickness rather then popping pills in their mouth.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Stop littering!

I mean why can't the people get it through their thick skull that they are not only hurting the earth but our children as well. You know they are the ones who have to figure out how to clean up the mess we left after we pass away. If we really love our earth and our children (which are the next generation) then we should be more cautious of our pollution habits. A good example of what I'm talking about is the oil spill in the Macondo well of the Gulf of Mexico killing many sea creatures and their habitat due to BP's negligence.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Cosmetic Surgery in Medieval age!
Absurd?......Indeed, nevertheless true.
Even in historic times women managed to figure out a way to improve their appearance. How far is a woman willing to change who they are? Plastic and cosmetic surgery is the leading medical technology all over the world. Women place themselves in painful situations and many loose their lives just to look a certain way. I'm sure many of us know or heard of someone who under went a plastic surgery procedure. The most common one is breast implants however theres other surgeries such as rhinoplasty, tummy tucks, facelift, permanent makeup and so on.
During the Sung Dynasty in China, women carried out a cruel and tortuous lifestyle. Girls at a young age were forced to bind their feet with bandages and wear a three inch shoe. By doing so the young girls had a great possibility of getting married. Small feet was considered beautiful. The initial process was carried out by excruciating pain. The foot would be washed and manicured in order to prevent infection. A bandage would serve to keep the toes curled inward touching the sole of the foot. If the procedure was started early in their childhood around the age of three or four years old it was less difficult for the child to adjust. However, poverty would interfere and many girls had to work in the fields in consequence they started the procedure at an older age which contributed to a high level of pain. During this treatment the girls had to keep up with the daily chores at home. The feet would bleed and pieces of skin would shed allowing the feet to stop from growing. It would take two to three years to keep the feet at a desired size. Sadly, as the girls flourished to adulthood they were unable to walk, tend to the home, cook, rise from a chair, or squat. Osteoporosis would set in and cause spine deformation as they got older. Unfortunately, only women with small feet were worthy of marrying. The others had to stay with the parents and work on the farm.Sadly, many were looked down upon by society.
Its true what they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Even in historic times women managed to figure out a way to improve their appearance. How far is a woman willing to change who they are? Plastic and cosmetic surgery is the leading medical technology all over the world. Women place themselves in painful situations and many loose their lives just to look a certain way. I'm sure many of us know or heard of someone who under went a plastic surgery procedure. The most common one is breast implants however theres other surgeries such as rhinoplasty, tummy tucks, facelift, permanent makeup and so on.
During the Sung Dynasty in China, women carried out a cruel and tortuous lifestyle. Girls at a young age were forced to bind their feet with bandages and wear a three inch shoe. By doing so the young girls had a great possibility of getting married. Small feet was considered beautiful. The initial process was carried out by excruciating pain. The foot would be washed and manicured in order to prevent infection. A bandage would serve to keep the toes curled inward touching the sole of the foot. If the procedure was started early in their childhood around the age of three or four years old it was less difficult for the child to adjust. However, poverty would interfere and many girls had to work in the fields in consequence they started the procedure at an older age which contributed to a high level of pain. During this treatment the girls had to keep up with the daily chores at home. The feet would bleed and pieces of skin would shed allowing the feet to stop from growing. It would take two to three years to keep the feet at a desired size. Sadly, as the girls flourished to adulthood they were unable to walk, tend to the home, cook, rise from a chair, or squat. Osteoporosis would set in and cause spine deformation as they got older. Unfortunately, only women with small feet were worthy of marrying. The others had to stay with the parents and work on the farm.Sadly, many were looked down upon by society.
Its true what they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Alert! Children in danger!
I was walking the other day at the park when I noticed how many children are overweight. Then I started observing my surroundings more carefully and I was astonished by what I discovered. More than half of the people in the park are overweight. This brought me to think, the Rio Grande Valley is populated by Hispanics. And one of our weakness is food. We love to eat! Yes, I know its hard to say no to the .99 cent taco at Valero gas station but we have to be aware that with such indulgence leads consequences.
Diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol play a major role in Hispanics and to make matters worse its affecting our children as well. Parents have shied away from preparing home cooked meals due to the overload of duties such as work and maintaining a home. Instead parents round up all the kids and head out to guess what.....? Yep , thats right Mcdonalds!
Parent's have to be careful what they feed their children if this continues your child could be in real danger. Its rather important to prepare your food with more nutritous meals in order to prevent heart problems, difficult breathing, high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, and even low-self esteem that can affect our children in the future.
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