Friday, September 3, 2010

Alert! Children in danger!

I was walking the other day at the park when I noticed how many children are overweight. Then I started observing my surroundings more carefully and I was astonished by what I discovered. More than half of the people in the park are overweight. This brought me to think, the Rio Grande Valley is populated by Hispanics. And one of our weakness is food. We love to eat! Yes, I know its hard to say no to the .99 cent  taco at Valero gas station but we have to be aware that with such indulgence leads consequences.              

Diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol play a major role in Hispanics and to make matters worse its affecting our children as well. Parents have shied away from preparing home cooked meals due to the overload of duties such as work and maintaining a home. Instead parents round up all the kids and head out to guess what.....? Yep , thats right Mcdonalds! 

Parent's have to be careful what they feed their children if this continues your child could be in real danger. Its rather important to prepare your food with more nutritous meals in order to prevent heart problems, difficult breathing, high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, and even low-self esteem that can affect our children in the future.  

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