I was browsing the web these morning and I came across an interesting article of a person named the Tree man. Papilloma virus (HPV) is usually a common disease that causes small warts on people who suffer from the disease. But with Dede it's quite different, if you look at him he really looks like half tree and half man just like something you will see at a circus. Well actually he traveled with the circus for a while in order to support his family. Dedes immune system is unable to stop the rapid growth of warts that is covering his body and turning him into a tree. The virus is taking over his life and producing massive amounts of cutaneous horns mostly on his hands and feet.
Dr. Gaspari is caring for Dede and treating him with vitamin A which is showing signs of improvement. The warts have seemed to slow the growing process and the most stubborn warts will be surgically removed.
I don't know if this disease is related to the cutaneous horns that is growing on jack rabbits. Nevertheless, it's a very interesting disorder to research and study in much deeper depth.
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