Tuesday, November 9, 2010

We are Monsters!

What ever happened to the horny toads in the Rio Grande Valley? I can still remember when I was a child I would love to pet them. Everytime I went to the backyard I was fortunate enough to find one. But as I grew older I saw less and less of this small creatures. I know what people must be thinking. How can you play with those ugly creatures? But it was amusing to me and I liked touching their thorny backs. They are harmless in fact many Hispanics have a superstition towards the horny toad. They believe the poor creature holds magical powers and if you carry one at all times it was suppose to bring good luck. I have a crazy uncle that used to carry one, when he used to play cards at the cantina. I'm not sure if it brought him luck nevertheless, he believed it did.

Could it be that horny toads are becoming extinct in the Valley? It could be possible since more houses are being built in the Rio Grande Valley, forcing the horny toads out of their native habitat. Another possibility could be that people place rat, lizard, or ant poison in their homes and causing the poor creatures to die.

So if you see a horny toad in your backyard please don't kill it! It's sad that we are destroying many plants and creatures, forcing them into extinction!

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